Anonymous 09/12/2023 (Tue) 08:40 Id: 3db585 No.131634 del
[The effigy looks similar to the tryzub]
"The trident, or “tryzub,” remains one of Ukraine’s most iconic symbols. Shaped like a spear with three prongs, its history goes back centuries. Volodymyr the Great, one of Ukraine’s most revered figures, included the symbol on coins when he ruled Kyiv from 980 to 1015.
During the 1917-1921 Ukrainian War of Independence, Ukraine used the trident as the nation’s coat of arms.
When Ukraine voted for independence in 1991, the country made the trident the coat of arms.
Earlier this month, Ukraine added the symbol to the Motherland monument in Kyiv, replacing a Soviet hammer and sickle. The government also plans to rename the statue “Mother Ukraine.”"
Edited last time by Arcus on 09/12/2023 (Tue) 21:33.