Anonymous 11/05/2023 (Sun) 04:37 Id: f330e3 No.134087 del
>>133911, >>133912, >>133913, >>133914, >>133915, >>133916, >>133917, >>133918, >>133919, >>133920 Swamp Today October 31, 2023
>>133923 Top US officials testify at Senate hearing on threats to the US
>>133925 FrankSpeech: We Catch Them In The Big Lie In Eight Days
>>133941 Sen. Romney confronts Mayorkas on his record on immigration and border patrol
>>133943, >>133944, >>133945 Sen. Lankford and the broad use of the term 'Asylum Seeker'
>>133949, >>133950, >>133951, >>133952, >>133953, >>133954, >>133955, >>133956, >>133957, >>133958, >>133959, >>133960, >>133961, >>133962 Swamp Today November 1, 2023
>>133968, >>133969 Ben Gurion Canal Project
>>133971 Oversight Committee: We’ve followed the money and identified how Joe Biden received $40,000 in laundered China money
>>133976, >133977, >>133978, >>133979, >>133980, >>133981, >>133982, >>133983, >>133984, >>133985, >>133986, >>133987, >>133988, >>133989, >>133990, >>133991 Swamp Today November 2, 2023
>>133994 GOP Reps. Ken Buck and Kay Granger say they won't seek re-election next year
>>133995 U.S. House Clerk Announces Nancy Pelosi Gets Served Subpoena in Third-Party Criminal Case in California
>>133996 Ballot Box-Stuffing Victory! Judge Orders Do-Over in Bridgeport, CT
>>133997 Biden DOJ waited 30 months to bring 2 (bogus) indictments against Trump
>>133998 Matt Gaetz on Fauci’s Newly Revealed Coranavirus Experiments in Montana
>>134000 Kash on Warroom discussing his testimony in Colorado Lawfare
>>134001 Judge orders some internal police documents be given to defense lawyers in Freedom Convoy leaders’ trial

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