>>134902 >>134903 >>134904 >>134905 >>134906 >>134907 >>134908 >>134909 >>134910 >>134911 >>134912 9:30 AM EST Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities Participating as Partners in REDD+ - Presentation of a) the experience of Indigenous Peoples and Local Community Organizations participating as partners in the development of REDD+ certifications with the Architecture for REDD+ Transactions (ART) and b) the REDD+ Indigena Amazonico (RIA) in the Communal Reserves in the Peru Amazon - 2023 UN Climate Change Conference, United Arab Emirates (UNFCCC COP 28) Winrock International (WI); DRIS/Desarrollo Rural Sustentable (DRIS); Ejecutor de Contrato de Administración de la Reserva Comunal Amarakaeri (ECA - RCA) https://unfccc.int/cop28 https://seors.unfccc.int/applications/seors/reports/events_list.html