Anonymous 02/06/2024 (Tue) 23:14 Id: 1f4472 No.136672 del
>>136662, >>136664, >>136669, >>136671

Hive is already a working version of Twitter’s Bluesky decentralised social media protocol
Do you remember Twitter’s Bluesky?
The company’s initiative to develop a decentralised social network protocol.
[Hive is already Twitter's Bluesky.](

Here’s the description of Twitter’s Bluesky protocol on Wikipedia:
"Bluesky is an initiative to develop a decentralized social network protocol, such that multiple social networks, each with its own systems of curation and moderation, can interact with other social networks through an open standard. Each social network using the protocol is an "application"."
Congratulations Twitter, you are trying to build Hive.

Twitter’s BlueSky is Hive
If you simply replace Bluesky with the word Hive, I don’t think you could have described our own currently working blockchain-based solution any better.
Seriously, give it a go.
Hive is an initiative to develop a decentralized social network protocol, such that multiple social networks, each with its own systems of curation and moderation, can interact with other social networks through an open standard.
Fits like a glove.
Let’s take it a step further and break down each part, describing what is already implemented and working on Hive.

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Edited last time by Arcus on 02/07/2024 (Wed) 07:00.