Anonymous 04/12/2024 (Fri) 07:44 Id: 438c4a No.138960 del
(280.19 KB 448x236 Dutch_buoy drop.PNG)
Many people weighing in on this "giant wave anomaly" showing up on multiple systems like Windy, or Ventusky...

80+ foot waves across vast distances were showing up in the "projected models" of current waves forecast for the next few days.

The giant dark spot is the area in question .

Since it first showed up, it went for several hours on the feed and has since been wiped / disappeared.;-58;2&l=wave&t=20240411/1200

Meanwhile, on the OTHER side of South America to the West off the Coast of Conception Chile, a buoy has gone into event mode, dropping thousands of meters in a few hours time. No explanation on that yet either. See here:

and here:

Both sides of South America having strange anomalies on the same day -- at a time where we are looking for a large earthquake in South America to strike Chile most likely.

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