Anonymous 05/03/2024 (Fri) 13:10 Id: f83f2e No.139943 del
MAY 4, 2015
Campaign 2016: Ben Carson Presidential Campaign Announcement
Retired neurosurgeon and author Ben Carson announced in his hometown of Detroit that he would seek the 2016 Republican presidential nomination. He talked about his commitment to the Constitution, and his goal of improving the economy.

MAY 4, 2017
Energy Security and Electromagnetic Pulse Threats
Witnesses testified on the security of the nation’s energy infrastructure, including the threats posed by electromagnetic pulses (EMPs). EMPs are natural or man-made bursts of energy that can potentially disable the electrical power grid. Panelists included former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, the acting chair of the federal Energy Regulatory Commission, and former defense and security officials of prior presidential administrations.

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