Anonymous 05/29/2024 (Wed) 12:36 Id: 3f9c65 No.140748 del
MAY 29, 2012
Medal of Freedom Ceremony
President Obama spoke at the Medal of Freedom ceremony. In his comments about the posthumous award to Nazi resistance fighter Jan Karski the president referred to "Polish death camps," which later caused controversy between U.S. and Polish diplomats.
Other honorees for 2012 were Secretary of State Madeleine Albright; astronaut John Glenn; musician Bob Dylan; Israeli President Shimon Peres; Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens; University of Tennessee women's basketball coach Pat Summit; novelist Toni Morrison; Girl Scouts founder Juliette Gordon Low; civil rights attorney John Doar; Dr. Willam Foege, who helped lead the effort to eradicate smallpox; Dolores Huerta, co-founder of the National Farmworkers Association; and Gordon Hirabayashi, who fought the internment of Japanese-Americans in World War II. The Medal of Freedom is America's highest civilian award and was created by executive order in 1963 by President John. F. Kennedy.

MAY 29, 2020
President Trump News Conference
President Trump delivered a statement in the White House Rose Garden to announce that the U.S. was terminating its relationship with the World Health Organization and redirecting funds for public health needs. He took no questions from reporters.

May 29, 2024
South Africa Presidential Elections

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