Anonymous 06/04/2024 (Tue) 12:58 Id: 4a04a3 No.140927 del
JUNE 4, 1989
Tiananmen Square Massacre

JUNE 4, 2014
Student Loan Debt: Witnesses testified on student loan debt and its effects on borrowers, career choice, and the economy. Brittany Jones talked about her struggles with student loan debt impeded her desire to become a teacher. Senators Ayotte, Kaine, and King all asked questions on the reasons for the cost of higher education. Senator King suggested another hearing with institution leaders to explain to the committee why tuition cost so much.

JUNE 4, 2015
Campaign 2016: Hillary Clinton on Voting Rights
2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton spoke at Texas Southern University, a historically black college in Houston. In her speech she outlined her proposals for improving the voting process. Her ideas included automatic voter registration when citizens turn 18, expanded in-person early voting, and restoring voting rights to felons after serving their terms. She also urged Congress to restore parts of the Voting Rights Act.

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