Anonymous 06/18/2024 (Tue) 22:09 Id: 2e893e No.141606 del
Clooney Foundation's prepares to initiate proceeding in Europe based on criminal code banning "spreading war propaganda"

❗️WASHED UP ACTOR LOONEY CLOONEY & WIFE TO HUNT DOWN RUSSIAN JOURNALISTS - must be because they're qualified in propaganda?

Anna Neistat, the legal director of the Clooney Foundation's Docket Project, says that the criminal code of some European countries has an article on "spreading war propaganda."
The foundation notes that it is preparing requests to initiate proceedings in countries where such norms exist. If an arrest warrant is issued, journalists will be detained throughout Europe by the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (Europol).
Read that again: Journalists will be detained by Europol.
But wait there's more - the names of journalists to be prosecuted are not disclosed, so a person may travel to said European country, unaware that there is an arrest warrant out for them.
The foundation says they are "the most obvious Russian propagandists, the most prominent among them" but will not name who.
Where is rock bottom for democracy? Is it a bottomless barrel? 👀