Anonymous 06/24/2024 (Mon) 13:32 Id: 42c338 No.142002 del
Beating 'Their' Narrative

potus should be giving clues in his tweets about what the dems have in store, we all see em.
>look closer

use this info to build a counter narrative, before it happens and 'they' state their narrative

Standard Weekly Planner - Get Ahead of the Narrative

Mon: dems - have plan, flyers posted friday for anti trump [trump worked with russians]
Tue: potus - Fish Fries are great Days. What day are they on? also Love Fish Flie 'rs
Wed: call the troops, interpret tweet, build memes/graphics and then social the hell out of it
Thu: we - post fliers for trump [trump proves dems worked with russians]
Fri: dems post their fliers
Sat: we - awake
Sun: army - gathers and beats the hel out of the dems

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