Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 13:15 Id: e6936c No.145234 del
SEPTEMBER 16, 2016
Campaign 2016: First Lady Michelle Obama Campaign Remarks in Fairfax, Virginia
First lady Michelle Obama hit the campaign trail for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton at a rally at George Mason University. She urged the audience to register and vote for the former secretary of state who she said inspires her and has the qualifications and resiliency to do the job. The first lady also talked about her husband’s legislative accomplishments and ways he has answered his critics, including Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, who questioned whether the president was born in the United States. The rally was held at George Mason University.

SEPTEMBER 16, 2019
Campaign 2020: Senator Elizabeth Warren Speech in Washington Square Park
Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, gave a speech in New York City’s Washington Square Park. She outlined her plan to battle corruption, in her remarks referencing the deadly 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire as an example of how people can fight back against corrupt forces.

September 16, 2024

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