Anonymous 09/19/2024 (Thu) 11:12 Id: 665b93 No.145392 del
dude, just as light has different levels beyond our general (allowed) collective knowledge
so does the aether, at different levels, all matter in this mundane world can be dispersed in to individual atoms

just like a phaser on star trek, can stun or turn to dust like the twin towers

but i think this has to do with small amounts of radioactive isotopes that keep all populations sick and dying earlier than we are designed too. methusla 1000 years old his son Noah 450 years old...

look at how many time U1 was mentioned in the drops... starting at 46... Biden is 46

when we were told to expand on a three side shape which is a triangle to a pyramid to a Merkabah or Merkavah , we must expand the scope and dimension by

Anonymous ID: zGyR4tyi No.147634822 📁
Nov 2 2017 11:57:19 (EST)

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