Anonymous 09/20/2024 (Fri) 13:17 Id: 6d6b5c No.145450 del
September 20, 2024
3:00 PM EDT
Multi-stakeholder partnerships in Assistive Technology and Education: transforming education and employment opportunities for children and young people with disabilities (Side Event, Action Day 1, Summit of the Future) - Sharing positive and practical solutions, speakers with lived experience will outline how we can build inclusive systems so all children and young people can learn and access the workforce; and why assistive technology is crucial to this.
United Nations

September 20, 2024
3:00 PM EDT
UN Careers – Rejuvenating the United Nations Workforce (Side Event, Action Day 1, Summit of the Future) - This event will feature introductions to UN entry points, job application clinics, and Q&A sessions with YPP alumni, providing a platform for young people, UN mandate holders and entities, and other stakeholders to engage with youth delegates.

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