Anonymous 09/26/2024 (Thu) 12:53 Id: f35591 No.145641 del
10:00 AM EDT
Roadmap to Mission 1.5: Driving the next generation of climate action and ambition - The "Troika" of UNFCCC COP Presidencies – the United Arab Emirates, the Republic of Azerbaijan, and Brazil - is convening Parties and other stakeholders at the UN General Assembly to preview and stimulate ambition in the next round of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in advance of COP29 and the February 2025 NDC submission deadline.
United Nations

10:00 AM EDT
(Day 4) SDG Media Zone – 79th Session of the UN General Assembly - Join the United Nations Department of Global Communications during UNGA from 23-27 September and hear about the transformation and solutions needed to accelerate action on the SDGs. This year's sessions will highlight the tracks of the Summit of the Future, including the new agenda for peace, global governance, financing for development, digital cooperation, and future generations, along with staple SDG issues.
United Nations

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