Anonymous 10/13/2024 (Sun) 21:58 Id: ad11e7 No.146234 del
The release of this seems sketchy - timed to get attention. Anyone who has a platform now is sus, in my view - because if the bad guys don't want someone to have a voice they make sure in many ways that person has no access.
This incident may be true but it's the bad guys releasing it.

Exchange Student Alleges Tim Walz Groomed Him

A foreign exchange student from Kazakhstan has shared allegations of an improper grooming relationship involving Minnesota Governor Tim Walz.

An hour long interview conducted by Zak Paine, host of the podcast Red Pill 78, aired on its website October 5th. The episode title “Grooming Allegations Against Tim Walz By Former Student” is making the rounds on social media, especially in the comments sections of popular videos.
The interview begins with Paine setting up the format by explaining that the young man’s name will be changed, as will his voice, via a modulation device to protect his identity. The pseudonymous “Jack” is still unable to talk about the matter without these protections out of fear for his family and adverse reactions from people in Kazakhstan. However, he apparently felt compelled to share his experience given the current rise of Walz to potentially the office of Vice President of the United States.