Anonymous 10/15/2024 (Tue) 19:28 Id: ad11e7 No.146281 del
(418.37 KB 822x463 Trump_promises_kept.PNG)
Trump Administration Accomplishments

Feel free to copy and paste everywhere.

Highest real median household income in history—a record that still holds from 2019.
Annual inflation rate averaged 1.9% throughout term.
Cut 8 regulations for every new one enacted and reduced taxes.
Better trade agreements with Mexico, Canada, China, Japan, South Korea and others.
Net gain of 7 million new jobs. 1.2 million in manufacturing and construction.
Net gain of 12,000 factories.
Created Opportunity Zones which has brought in over 100 billion in investments to lower income neighborhoods.
Lowest unemployment rate in 50 years. Lowest unemployment for women in nearly 70 years.
Lowest unemployment in history for Black, Hispanic, Asian, and Native Americans.
Lowest poverty rate in history for Black and Hispanic Americans.
Passed Right to Try which made life-saving treatments available to previously terminally ill patients.
Lowered drug prices for the first time in 51 years.
VA Choice reimbursed veterans who needed faster medical care outside of a VA clinic.

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