Anonymous 10/16/2024 (Wed) 08:01 Id: ad11e7 No.146293 del
Military Retiree Detained On Navy Base For Flying Trump Flags

Part 1 of 7 - Military Retiree Detained On Navy Base For Flying Trump Flags
I am a US Army retiree who retired off active duty in 2020. I live on Whidbey Island in Washington and regularly access Naval Air Station Whidbey Island (NASWI). I am a civilian. I am not in the reserves. I am not a Department of Defense employee. I do not work on NASWI.
On 10 October 2024 at 6:15pm I attempted to access the NASWI for shopping purposes. I had a flag pole mounted on the back of my jeep flying two Trump flags. The gate I tried to enter through was manned by two Navy military police officers. I handed over my military retiree ID and it was scanned. The gate sentry saw that I was a retiree and not on active duty.
I was immediately given two choices: Take the flags off my jeep or leave the base immediately. When I asked why, the response didn't make sense. I refused to take the flags off and I refused to leave.
I didn't believe I was being told correct information. I asked for a supervisor, to be shown in writing why I was being told to leave and for a written report documenting my denial of entry.
What followed was a 45 minute detainment where eight federal law enforcement officers responded to and engaged a civilian flying two Trump flags on his jeep. Five law enforcement officers were Navy sailors and three were civilian federal police officers. All of these federal law enforcement officers acted under color of law by giving me illegal orders they didn't have the authority to give. There was no authority to demand of me to take the flags down. There was no authority to demand I immediately leave the base since I had done nothing wrong.
When I asked for a supervisor, an explanation that made sense and a written report documenting the situation, I was retaliated and reprised against by way of illegal detainment. My IDs were confiscated and I was run through multiple criminal databases even though, through my military ID, everyone knew who I was.

This is the first of seven videos documenting the 45 minute detainment. Part one documents:
-Entry denial
-Told to take the Trump flags off or turn around and leave
-I refuse both options
-I ask for a supervisor and a written report documenting my denial of entry
-I ask what if i had President Washington on a flag instead of President Trump
-Gate guard responds with "that would probably be ok"

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