Anonymous 10/16/2024 (Wed) 23:26 Id: ad11e7 No.146323 del
Server IP
(The problem is we're at the mercy of the service providers route. Servers can choose to firewall - specifically images)

Bottom left of your screen is a dialog box, or run box
type in cmmd this opens command prompt
following user name type ping, space and then url (
enter and it will return with IP
copy the IP address

continue to the next user prompt and type tracert (trace route), space
and paste IP address, it will return the IP route or hops between location and target

If you see - request timed out - "the target device is not responding to ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) packets, this could be due to a firewall setting explicitly blocking ICMP traffic on the receiving device or network"

This will confirm whether this is the problem.
From here I would try a VPN.

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