11/12/2024 (Tue) 04:34
Id: 5dca81
ALABAMA - In the end, at least three sets of vote totals and zero answers came out of Baldwin County. The only answer we got was this, from ES&S technician Mark Kelley:
"Something happened. I don’t have enough intelligence to say exactly what."
FLORIDA - Volusia County employee Lana Hires asked the technical staff for help at Global Election Systems (soon to become Diebold Election Systems).
"I need some answers!" she wrote. "Our department is being audited. I have been waiting for someone to give me an explanation as to why Precinct 216 gave Al Gore a minus 16022. Will someone please explain this?"
Global Election Systems' John McLaurin tossed the hot potato to Sophia Lee and Talbot Iredale:
"Sophia and Tab may be able to shed some light here, keeping in mind that the boogie man may be reading our mail."
Talbot Iredale, senior vice president for research and development, replied:
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