Sidney Katherine Powell VINDICATED on all accounts by the Texas Court of Appeals After three fucken years of litigation, in a 24-page ruling by the Texas Court of Appeals, the court rules Texas Bar miserably failed to prove Sidney Powell acted in “dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation” in the four lawsuits she filed against the overthrow of the United States government on Nov 3, 2020.
The court even caught the Bar lying, A: “By its own admission, the Bar misidentified or failed to include multiple exhibits it claims to have relied on in its Second Amended Response,” B: “The deficiencies go far beyond mislabeling exhibits.” C: “The Bar not only failed to cite to or argue about any additional documents — the documents are not mentioned at all.” D: “You have to be a damn fool, and abjectly stupid not to see what happened here.” The opinion added.
Sidney Katherine Powell was an Assistant United States Attorney in three judicial districts under 9 United States Attorneys from both political parties. She represented the United States in 350 criminal appeals, and represented private parties in another 150, all resulting in more than 180 published decisions. She was the youngest Assistant U.S. Attorney when she began practicing. She is an elected member of the American Law Institute, and the past president of the Bar Association for the Fifth Federal Circuit and the American Academy of Appellate Lawyers. Exposing corruption in one of the most powerful and corrupt law enforcement agency on the planet, the U.S. Department of Justice, Licensed to Lie is a book she prayed she would never have to write.