Anonymous 12/13/2024 (Fri) 13:53 Id: b26570 No.148145 del
The Yootopian @TheYootopian - Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

Tim McCabe TRUTH ‘TOONS @timothymccabe - The FBI Ghost Buses were real!
In Nov 2023 Huffpo chided, “Mysterious white buses unloaded dozens of FBI informants near the Capitol on the morning of Jan. 6, according to a new conspiracy theory from @RepClayHiggins (R-La.).”

Tim McCabe TRUTH ‘TOONS @timothymccabe - Green-winged Teal, watercolor on canvas @townhallcom - BREAKING: Inspector General Report finds that the FBI had 26 Confidential Human Sources on the ground on January 6th.
Some of them entered the Capitol building and other restricted areas.

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