Anonymous 01/02/2025 (Thu) 13:34 Id: 1e2fd6 No.148657 del
Catherine Herridge @C__Herridge - Based on two decades covering terrorism and intelligence:
•Not clear New Orleans threat / potential cell neutralized
•Bourbon Street may have been a target of opportunity after a larger plot was disrupted
•law enforcement seeking "range of suspects" indicates there may already be evidence of a broader conspiracy
Based on conversations with former law enforcement, there is a standard operating procedure or SOP:
Exploitation of suspect Shamsud Din Jabbar's "digital exhaust"
•Warrants for suspect's electronics including phones, computers, hard drives, thumb drives as well as bank records
•Forensic scrub suspect's social media accounts
•Link analysis of suspect's records for location data and contact with wider web of associates
Was there reconnaissance of Bourbon Street or other locations
Potential evidence premeditation
Forensic analysis for DNA
Were IEDs made by multiple individuals
Identify components

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