Anonymous 11/03/2022 (Thu) 20:27 Id: c9539c No.83203 del
Bringing over from Bunker General

QR Bunker #234 >>80868

There are more connections which I wanted post in 8Kun related to;

>>17694298, >>17694300, >>17694317, >>17694319, >>17694321, >>17694325, >>17694328, >>17694331, >>17694335, >>17694338, >>17694345, >>17694348, >>17694353, >>17694360, >>17694364, >>17694366, >>17694370, >>17694374, >>17694376, >>17694378, >>17694382 Unleashing Communism/Socialism into the World; Case Study of South Africa [Q Research General #21647: Lies, Damned Lies, and the Jan.]

Here is a taster.

”What happened in SA [South Africa] will happen here, Asia, and EU.” – Q Post 95

What HAPPENED IN SA will happen here, Asia, and EU.
Keep digging and keep organizing the info into graphics (critical).
God bless.
Hillary & Saudi Arabia
Snow White

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