Anonymous 09/27/2017 (Wed) 23:02:00 No. 15 del
I've been heavily autistic as long as I can remember, my mom knows but never got me diagnosed because she thinks I don't need it, my dad is autistic as well if I needed any more reassurance that I have it. Seeing and hearing things outside "this" reality has been normal for me ever since I was a small child. Static noises, people, entire lives just enter and leave my head without asking. And paranoia, paranoia is the worst. I constantly assume everyone and everything is trying to kill me and that I can't trust anyone. This is all topped off with an instinct to lie in order to avoid trouble, to the point where I don't even think to say what I really mean or feel or the truth in any way. This is a problem because I need to tell the counselor about it but I can't bring myself to not lie to her. I don't even realize I've lied until it's over, most times.