Anonymous 09/30/2017 (Sat) 23:38:23 No. 539 del
>you give me philosophy and memes
Again, point to me where is these memes. Yes, I gave you philosophy because your hypothesis is not falsifiable. You should refine your hypothesis.

>BREAKING point of the human body
I'll repeat: you can quantify the breaking point of bone, for example, but it will depend on other factors, like genetics of the person tested and nutrition (in this case, Vitamin D and Calcium levels).
You cannot, with our today's knowledge about physics and human body, determine the limits of capacity. We can quantify the internal processes, like neurotransmitters and receptors, hormones, and so on, but the effect of all these (together) is not predictable a you may think, because, again, it depends on other factors (already pointed on the first comment).