Anonymous 09/28/2017 (Thu) 00:28:04 No. 78 del
i posted a lot of gore while saging in shit threads made by roasties in an attempt to get people to stop replying to them (for example, one was some roastie saying her husband reads to her at night). i ended up getting banned for a day for "posting /b/ material outside /b/. gore used to get posted all the time on /r9k/, that used to be a tactic to scare off normies. i actually used to be a mod on /b/ in 2005, and the administration then was never as arbitrary and disappointing as the current administration of 4chan is. many of them deliberately attempt to bypass peoples filters (which is a rule violation) in an attempt to get more attention. i really wish they would enforce rule 6 more often, and move trap and faggot threads to /lgbt/ and fembot threads to /soc/