Doc 04/04/2024 (Thu) 10:23 No.53386 del
(1.41 MB 720x1280 Freya Mavor.mp4)

One of those days I have to write some sperg before sleeping more:
People seem to think reaffirming natural beauty, strength, etc... is an effective cultural war strategy.

Making traditional games, movies and such prosper, etc... It is resisting, but to them it is resisting in the same sense of a native throwing his cutlery off the table and throwing poop at the colonizers and refusing the learn the civilized way.
In essence, those are the positions we are playing, they are the colonizers and we are the "savages".

The only real effective way to shift the cultural war is to convince them of how our culture is secretly highly advanced and in tune with nature, and how they are too savage and low IQ to comprehend it.
It's an ego fight, down to the bottom of it. And you have to soyjack them.