Anonymous 05/26/2024 (Sun) 02:52 No.54943 del
>What was that one recent game that called up like 40 graphical elements just to have an npc smile?
I hadn't heard about that but that sounds about right. Same thing that has been happening in all genres of software. Higher level languages like Python and Java are to blame for a good part of it. It used to be that you'd learn languages like those in order to learn the basics of programming logic, now people are trying to make super complex stuff on them because they refuse to learn a better language first, they just want their moonies and their coomies NOW. With games the problem is usually not the language but the third party engines they use. All of the best optimized games run on in-house engines, not commercial ones like UE, much less Unity. It would seem like with UE you can still do some fruitful optimization if you put in the effort (which most devs don't), any Unity project is doomed from the start though

>Nice Violeta btw, she has good eyebrows.
I think she's gorgeous but her jawline triggers feelings of insecurity in certain descendants of mongols among us

cute... I mean hot... I mean cute... Hot...