Anonymous 06/11/2024 (Tue) 15:03 No.55498 del
Purpura looks really good in a beret

>Is that the spanish speaking woman you posted before?
Yeah, she's argentine, but she has a regional accent I can't pinpoint. She's very pretty (of course she is otherwise the yt algorithm wouldn't give a shit about her channel) but also kinda extreme like I was saying. Maybe she developed a sense of self righteous supremacy, maybe what's actually a healthy normal ego seems weird and dangerous on autistic people. There's something to be said for people with convictions though, especially women. It's against their biological programming to swim against the current like that, they're supposed to adapt and submit

>Why is that? The anxiety?
No, I just ran out of steam completely. Must be what they call autistic burnout

>Iman looks great in that 3rd one
Was it you who posted that AAA cup girl in the bikini? She looked great, absolute DFC queen