Anonymous 07/06/2024 (Sat) 18:35 No.56359 del
A lot of it seems like an ego thing to me. A normie will get a good night's sleep and be functional the next day and think they discovered some miracle end-game cheat code, when in reality they discovered a level 1 potion, and because they're a FUCKING NORMALFAG it was enough to allow them to pass the quest easily. The ego part is that instead of admitting that they hardly needed any help, they will give themselves credit by saying they were so smart as to figure out that not being sleep deprived (or not dehydrated, or smelling really bad etc) was the key to their success.
Of course their "just take this level 1 potion bro" advice is only useful to similar normalfags. Telling an inhuman slime creature like you or I this advice is nothing short of insulting, but it's a way for the normie to brag about their cleverness and their successes while "helping" others.

Bretty nice. I would like to see her and Kaylee line up so we can compare.