Anonymous 03/19/2025 (Wed) 15:17 No.62905 del
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>laneya if she had a jaw
I can see that a bit. Laneya has a fine jaw imo.

I usually cook lazy shit. Eggs for breakfast, for dinner I can cook quesadillas or burgers or other grilled things. Sometimes I'll make pasta with tomato sauce and meat. I try to get my sister to cook the dinners. If not for cooking she would be doing absolutely nothing except for leaving her trash everywhere.
I'm not wageslaving regularly, but sometimes I will go into the shop I used to wageslave at and work on side projects. I'll also work racing events sometimes because it pays enough to allow me to hire someone to watch my mom while I'm gone. The rest of my time goes to home improvement stuff, playing with cars, and waifuposting.

What is polenta again? The Italian corn meal stuff?