Anonymous 03/20/2025 (Thu) 10:18 No.62943 del
I'll give you that the first two songs are the most commercial and boring, but I enjoy them anyway. Whaler was the one I linked here a couple weeks ago and it's probably my favorite. The concepts behind the lyrics are unintelligible to everyone but the pretentious fuck that wrote them, but musically I find it beautiful, same as most of the album. I don't stumble upon that kind of music often, it was a great find

>It's not so hard to go out on youtube and find "something new" (as in, new to you) that sounds good, there's so much stuff you are bound to find.
you sure about that bro? because I struggle mightily to do just that. maybe it's just my algorithm but it's been absolute shit lately. it recommends the most braindead tiktok tier stuff and little to no music or interesting stuff. it doesn't even bother with philosophy videos anymore. nigga I didn't watch them because I could tell they were going to be SHIT not because I dislike the topic

who would have thunked it. speaking of music, I remember linking an article about streaming statistics that showed basically the same phenomenon was happening there too, even among gen z