Anonymous 03/21/2025 (Fri) 20:08 No.63001 del
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no no I was just being funny, I couldn't agree with you more. cam said something once about how it may be risky to listen to BM because it could affect your mood but that's never really been the case for me (this is a good moment for a "that's my secret cap" joke), I feel like I wouldn't be listening if I wasn't in the right mood for it in the first place. I linked this a few weeks ago. It's good. I don't care what the normies say, it's musique. I know it's dissonant and it should be unpleasant but there's something that's just plain... cool? about that kind of music. For lack of a better term. And it can be "weirdly soothing" as someone put it in the comments of that review. And then if I want to listen for the purpose of catharsis I can just raise the volume lol

I'll go through it tonight or tomorrow. I liked "Blonde" btw, I did listen to that one. Chill yet catchy

most epic WCU moment