Genetic Determinism Anonymous 08/12/2019 (Mon) 22:09:10 No.3984 del
So, /ratanon/, you're smart. You're nonconformists. You understand behavioural genetics. Why don't you have ten kids so the future will be less shit?

"But I can't find a gf!"

Why don't you get an Eastern European one, then? There are plenty of quasi-legitimate 'international dating sites' out there with usually real women who generally aren't green card scammers. Plenty of intelligent, driven women (look, we're grading on a curve here) who know they don't have a future in their Slav shithole. Talk to a cute one, draw up a prenup, go full Quiverfull with the birth rate. Relaxed homeschooling, nearly unschooling, go Montessori if you can't swing that. Keep them away from psychiatry, time vaccines to get the ideal amount of autism. Inherit the Earth.