Anonymous 08/12/2019 (Mon) 22:31:10 No.4043 del
I'll answer what my objection with the statement is, anyway:
Reproduction is by far the most important thing for self-interest because *evolution is not a spectator sport*. How often are you distressed by the inability of others to make any sense or understand the things that come obviously to you? There is no way to make the future better but to show up to it. >>4024 isn't me literally, but he may as well be figuratively.
I suspect your timeline for transhumanism and your optimism for it being non-terrible are both fractally wrong. But then, Kaczynski did nothing wrong.
>Prissy little faggot.
Have you *met* most of the people with our neurotype? I'm starting to think the one of mine I actually want to maximize is schizophrenia, but the schizo neurodiversity movement is even further behind the autism one.