Anonymous 08/12/2019 (Mon) 22:44:33 No.4085 del
The absence of demand for neo-shamans and visionary artists is to be fixed by creating a society with more people who want those, but that's beside the point.
As I said just in >>4064, you can *fix* your social skills deficits. And some subgroup of neurodivergent people that seems to be pretty high-schizotypy have a bizarre charisma. I've noticed people consistently like me more than they should with how ugly I am both inside and out (no, I'm not rich either).
With the right support and other traits (intelligence, etc), there's a lot extremely high-schizotypy people can do that doesn't occur to most people. Just about anything loaded on verbalness or artistic ability is going to select for some degree of psychoticism – note that we're on an imageboard descended from, amongst other things, the blog of a guy whose biggest sin is that he prescribes neuroleptics to people with the externalizing version of his neurotype. Yes, I just called Scott schizo-spectrum. You thought that was just autism? You really think that's the same neurotype as AT here?
Anyway, various SSC posts are a great example of the things you come up with when you just have *way more of that than average*. (Good examples: Meditations on Moloch, the cactus person post.) SZ (schizotypal PD being counted, because even by the lowest and highest prevalence rates it outnumbers the less functional version 3:1) has a lot of the cool autism traits – consummately taking ideas seriously, seeing everything through a fractally different lens, knowing what you want and dedicating yourself to getting it – but with heightened creativity/Openness/MBTI Intuition.