Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 02:26:51 No.4780 del
>arthur chu mindkill.jpg

Jeese, what a terrifying drone.

I wanted to point out that shitposting about the culture war on the internet is unlikely to be the most effective way for him to attain whatever his political goals are. But I guess it's entirely possible that the "SJW" meme-complex that he holds is so much more virulent that even despite individual carriers being less effective as individuals, the meme overall is more successful than an equivalent "effective activism" would be.

Anyway, I still think I, as an individual, can achieve my goals more effectively than Arthur Chu, because I'm not wasting my time mindkilling myself into a soldier. My brain is too useful to waste time on politics. And, again, as an individual, instead of shitposting on the internet I'd just donate to some lobbyists. "Folk activism" is a waste of time, y'know…