Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 02:37:55 No.4814 del
It's not that it's a bad show that everyone's pretending is good, but yeah, it is a bit of a meme show when it comes to functioning as a "Watch and appreciate this or you're a pleb" filter. Long is right, the OVA could easily have run for 50-odd episodes rather than 110. However, if someone's favourite genre is this kind of political intrigue stuff then I could see them calling LoGH a masterpiece. Sometimes I end up watching 5 or 10 episodes in a row because I get hooked by a story arc. I wouldn't say the show itself is pretentious, but it's very easy to be pretentious about it.
The space battles and physics assumptions might make you sperg because it's just naval battles but in space.