Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 03:21:06 No.4951 del
Masturbation is considered acceptable by most people, though; the general consensus in a modern, "sexually liberated" society, is that everyone does it except massive prudes and assorted weirdos. There's a bunch of other stigmas, but "masturbation is unacceptable" is a sentiment alien to the modern bugman or soyboy.

If you say "I feel more satisfied with pornography and masturbation than I would in a relationship", that marks you as pathetic and disgusting for various reasons, but one of the main ones is that there's a huge societal consensus that sex feels better and is more satisfying than masturbation, so in addition to anything else that's contemptible about your choice of lifestyle, you're also delusional. Disintegrate that pillar, and the others look shaky, and you can bring the whole edifice down with a good push.

The problem with tying those together is that a sexbot is an appliance no more capable of being "exploited" than a washing machine. Some feminists are delusional enough to actually try, but when the nutty extreme does it it just makes it harder for mainstream normies to buy into the idea.