Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 07:07:30 No.5510 del
>Obeying them or getting rid of them is always instrumental, never a terminal goal.
Why not? Did the Terminal Goal Fairy come down and bless your dear monkey brain with some sort of exogenous goals?

>The reason polyamory is considered good by a lot of rationalists isn't that it suppresses obsolete primate programming, it's that it (presumably) makes the people involved happier.
So it's not good because it suppresses the (((obsolete))) primate desire to pair bond, sure, but it is good because it achieves the primate desire to experience happiness. Really makes me think. And what I'm thinking is that you haven't thought this through all the way. You never answered the other anon's question, "What are some terminal goals that are not primate heuristics?"

Tyrone will copulate with whomever he damn well pleases.