Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 07:41:43 No.5613 del
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Psychiatric drugs are one step removed from witchcraft in terms of reliable efficiacy. The variation from person to person makes advice difficult.

As a starting point, you could try sertraline - it killed my crippling anxiety stone dead and replaced it with mild depression. Not a bad tradeoff.

Make sure you read the dosage suggestions for everything you try - I doubt dosing only in advance of social situations will do you any good in the long term. Again, side effects and effectiveness vary wildly from person to person, so perhaps do a trial with each medication you have access to and see what works best?

Note that I am not a psychiatrist, and am in fact only barely more qualified to talk on this subject than a neurotypical layman. For better advice (or at least a second opinion), I recommend r/slatestarcodex's weekly "Wednesday Wellness.

It's a cold world out there, anon. Good luck!