Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 08:05:52 No.5687 del
Yeah, you've redpilled yourself too much. Don't attribute to conspiracy what can be attributed to individuals signaling wokeness.
Step 1: The kind of racism that wants slavery and lynchings and segregation (hereafter referred to as Bad Racism) is bad.
2: People won't like you if you're openly Badly Racist.
3: Bad Racists adapt their outward opinions to be more acceptable, as one does.
4: When someone says something along the lines of "I have nothing against black people, I just think they're genetically inferior" it's probably someone with worse opinions prettying them up, and people catch on and no longer tolerate that softer opinion either.
5: Run the euphemism treadmill a few more cycles. Now, no matter how nuanced your point is, there are still likely to be more Bad Racists making it than people making it earnestly. Even many appeals to free speech become soiled.
It's impossible to reliably distinguish an honest signal from a dishonest signal, so anything that could plausibly be said by a Bad Racist trying to stealthily persuade people is assumed to come from a Bad Racist.
When /pol/ tries to spread "stealth red pills", or the text "it's okay to be white", they're directly contributing to this.
Statements aren't inherently racist, from a social perspective, they have a certain probability of being produced by a racist trying to promote racism - and if that probability is high enough then you can get woke points by denouncing it even if the naive interpretation is acceptable.
And they aren't trying to enforce uniformity either. There are many woke opinions that deny uniformity. That means a lot of woke opinions are mutually incompatible, but the thing they have in common is not a common theoretical principle, but that they wouldn't be endorsed by a typical racist or misogynist.
"There is no neurological difference between males and females" and "trans people's brains tend to be more similar to those of the gender they identify as" are incompatible opinions, but both of them are broadly acceptable because /pol/ would never, ever hold them.

(Disclaimer: I'm a libtard)