Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 08:09:07 No.5699 del

i'm not too worried what would happen, because Good Traits are correlated af and at least we'll get rid of stupidity. way GCTAs work, what'll happen is that people will get bundles of generally good genes even if what they want spliced in their kids is just better health.. hell, even that is a neat advance.

Also, everywhere but especially in Universalistan, THE trait for "good outcomes in life" is intelligence, and the ones with parents at least bright enough to ask for that will simply do to the others something between what we did to the horses in the early 20th century and to the other apes before that. (i.e. keep a few of them for entertainment purposes and reduce their ecological niche by horrific amounts through habitat destruction, respectively); moreover, intelligence gets to full genetic potential when it is combined with good health anyway, so.

as for altruism, sorry but no, there are actually good self-interest reasons to be so: the positive externalities do accrue benefits to you too, and, although of course excessive scrupulosity is excessive, it's still better than selfishness and sociopathy (which would make life more inefficient for everyone because then everyone would have to check everything all the time for defectbottery - imagine an ancapsistan where you'd having to check five private labels on every food you buy just to make sure that the manufacturer hasn't replaced 1% of the product by weight with lead or something, and then extend that to every interaction with everything and everyone - or choosing to count on luck to protect you through herd immunity)

also sorry to say but past basically CONCEPTION, it's too late to genehack you. It's for your kids (or clones).