Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 08:09:39 No.5701 del

> >From a global point of view

>We're not talking about a global point of view. We're talking about the US, where slavery was deeply tied to race and still affects it, culturally and maybe economically.

We have to take a global point of view because more samples are always good. One common SJW trick is pretending that there exists nothing outside America.

OK. Here is my question: Why the fuck isn't Poland a FUBAR country? Tell me..they could have declared that due to muh gnatzees and muh commiez Poland is terminally fucked up and can't be unfucked. Yet Poland is not FUBAR at all.

How bad can muh slabery be compared to actual partial genocide of Poles?

> >"Segregation" literally fucking means..uh..having a border.

>That's not what racial segregation is. Certainly not in the context of American politics.

That's literally what it fucking means. There is a border between China and Russia and that's essentially segregation statistically speaking. People seem to be fine with that though. The existence of such a border hasn't caused either country to be FUBAR.

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