Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 08:10:11 No.5703 del
>We have to take a global point of view because more samples are always good. One common SJW trick is pretending that there exists nothing outside America.
We're talking about an American cultural issue. Pointing out that that issue doesn't exist in certain other cultures doesn't help. It exists in that one.
This is not a discussion about slavery in general. The discussion can be generalized, but you'd have to generalize it by talking about signaling and cultural norms in general, not by talking about slavery in general.
>That's literally what it fucking means. There is a border between China and Russia and that's essentially segregation statistically speaking. People seem to be fine with that though. The existence of such a border hasn't caused either country to be FUBAR.
This is what was meant by "segregation" in that context, and what would broadly be understood to be meant with the word "segregation" in that context:
You seem to be using another definition to derive a meaning that has nothing to do with this discussion.