Friends Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 08:32:05 No.5760 del
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Men over a certain age, say about 23, don't really have friends. It's just a conspiracy by "alpha males" and females to keep supposedly beta males down. Let's review:

Your coworker
> not friend. Coworker

Your coworker's "friends" from his old workplace that he goes out drinking with
> not friends. Ex-coworkers

People you hang out with at rationalist meetups
> not friends. People who can bear to hear you talk about crazy rat shit that normies wouldn't tolerate, intellectually or morally

That person you grew up with
> most likely you grew apart and never talk to them any more, so - not friends. And sending them a generic card once a year does not count as "talking to them".

That person who keeps blagging drugs/food/money/homework off of you
> not friend. Leech.

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