Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 09:25:43 No.5925 del
Have you tried rationalist tumblr? It's a lot different from what the tumblr stereotype made me expect, though it does have its problems.
It's defined more by a certain mindset than by the topics it discusses, relative to other rationalist communities, so you get a wide range of topics and types of content.
Tumblr has a very particular dynamic where you choose who to follow but not what to follow. I've figured out that by following only people who aren't too uncharitable and don't get into stupid arguments I get a constant stream of very diverse reasonably high-quality content.
On an imageboard, subreddit or discord it's much harder to avoid people who keep making bad posts, without heavy-handed filtering. But I haven't felt the urge to block anyone on tumblr.
Your mileage may vary of course, but it's worth checking out.