Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 09:35:41 No.5962 del
"Pressured speech" is true assuming you mean coming across as "no-chill" but that's common for me. It happens much less irl, not sure why, maybe "mood synchronization" with others? Typically it happens when I'm going on about something I'm passionate about.

You're right about tangents and oversharing with strangers, though the latter not without shame.

"The humans are dead" was frankly pleb-tier venting and writing to myself, emotions were much stronger when I wrote that. I wasn't expecting people to get it (if anything it was bad not to care, I can always write to myself in notepad) though now that you mention it that's one of my most common issues when I'm normal, I even sometimes get angry when strangers don't understand because I assume they're doing it in bad faith.

I suspect I've been manic before and this doesn't feel like it tbh, there are similarities but no extra energy, I slept normally and already want to take a nap after eating some cake. The other times I've been "manic" I was awake for like 3 days and had to remind myself to eat.

The one thing that makes little sense and worries me is that I feel ok now and I shouldn't, it gets blurry trying to think about the things that made me sad or about my friend. I fear this is a defense mechanism that leads to emotional stunting and detachment, precisely what I'm trying to prevent by talking about this and being open.