Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 09:40:48 No.5978 del
Contents of the fridge:
• Two (2) red peppers; one (1) green pepper; one (1) cucumber, shrink-wrapped, halved
• One (1) bottle of "Cacao"-flavor Soylent meal replacement drink, half drunk
• One (1) tub of "Original"-flavor Soylent meal-replacement powder, shrink-wrapped
• A half-eaten birthday cake, hand-iced
• Three (3) test tubes. One is filled with a viscous, pearlescent substance; the others are filled with clear liquid.
• One (1) bag of salad, spoiled
• Six (6) rashers bacon
• A margarine tub labeled "communal estrogen" in red Sharpie. The tub is empty.
• Various condiments

The freezer is in perfect working order. It is completely empty, with the exception of two ice cube trays (one full, the other empty).