Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 10:19:30 No.6100 del
> Most leftists don't privately believe in racial differences (or don't believe they believe in racial differences), but that's not because they're stupid, that's because it's instrumentally useful.

Naturally, but I think they're stupid if they think (or they happen to act as if they do) that it's instrumentally/strategically useful. Maybe it is, but only in the electoral sense, not in ideological one.

> By his logic, stupid white people are just as entitled to redistribution as stupid black people, at any given IQ level.

I see no problem with this logic, it's consistently egalitarian; I don't agree with these values, but I acknowledge that this is what scientifically accurate leftist ideology should look like. Redistribution along racial lines (and remember that race is a social construct, is 1/8th self-identified black entitled to it, etc. etc.), in contrast, is just bastardized meritocracy with nice tribal banners, it's unfair to individuals and still promotes competition in ability, and why the fuck should anyone on the left who's not a black supremacist and/or white/asian/jew-hater want that.